Everyday 09.00 - 17.00 (UTC +7)

Fir water

  • Production does not harm forests
  • 100% Nature made product
  • Sustaining the earth's beauty


100 % NATURAL PRODUCT. It is made from young Siberian fir, has a color from colorless to bright crimson and a specific astringent taste with a coniferous smell. It is obtained by steam distillation of fir "paws".
Properties: it has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, enhances physical and mental performance, calls up a sense of cheerfulness. It prevents atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body, cleanses and nourishes the kidneys, removes toxins.
Fir water is an ideal broad-spectrum adaptogen.

Physical and chemical composition
Vitamins A, B2, E, C, trace elements: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, phytoncides, flavonoids, terpenoids, pinenes, camphene, bornyl acetate, a complex of plant polyphenols, including carotene, chlorophyll.

Not identified, except for a slight increase of gastric juice acidity.

10-20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Within 1-2 months. The first 1-5 days 50-60 ml., dissolved in water. Then you can increase it to 100 ml.
By increased stomach acidity, it is recommended to drink water after meals.
Taking fir water is incompatible with alcohol.
Externally: for baths, compresses, lotions, wiping, for rinsing by stomatitis, paradontosis.
Wiping the skin helps to narrow the pores and improve blood flow. It relieves eye fatigue.

Storage conditions
Store in a cool dark place, in a tightly closed container at the t0 not higher than +10  . When stored in the light, with sharp temperature changes, the color may change, which doesn’t reduce the healing qualities of the product. 
Shelf life: 2 years if storage conditions comply from the date of manufacture.
